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Join Gena Mayo on the Music in Our Homeschool podcast as she unveils the enchanting world of "Songs from Pa and Laura," a brand new online course from Music in Our Homeschool. Delve into the rich history of the Little House on the Prairie book series by Laura Ingalls Wilder and discover the cherished songs woven throughout the tales of pioneer life. From Pa's beloved fiddle tunes to the heartfelt melodies sung by the Ingalls family, Gena explores the significance of music in Laura's upbringing and its lasting impact on her life. With 40 lovingly curated songs from the Little House series, including sheet music, lyrics, guitar chords, audio tracks, and videos, the "Songs from Pa and Laura" course offers a delightful opportunity for families to immerse themselves in the musical heritage of the American frontier and add to the richness of your read-aloud time. Whether you're a fan of the Little House on the Prairie books or seeking to enrich your homeschool curriculum with meaningful musical experiences, this episode provides valuable insights into the cultural and historical significance of music in homeschool education. Tune in to discover how "Songs from Pa and Laura" can bring joy, nostalgia, and educational enrichment to your homeschool journey. Find the course and sheet music here:

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