Episode 30: 2023 Wrap Up!

BBB: Books, Bevs, and Babes

Dec 31 2023 • 20 mins

Cheers to a Bookish Year! 📚✨

Join Shaya and Jenika in the grand finale of 2023 as they wrap up the year, ranking their top best (and worst) reads. From literary gems to unexpected surprises, it's a rollercoaster of bookish emotions. So grab your favorite beverage, tune in, and let's bid farewell to 2023 with a literary flourish! 🎉📖

Don't forget to share your standout reads from the year on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/bbb_booksbevsbabespodcast/. Here's to another year of books, bevs, and babes! 🥂📚✨

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