045 - Finding Your Gifts That Are Hiding in Your Flaws

Redeeming Roots Podcast

Mar 20 2024 • 22 mins

In this episode, I'm sharing how you can start shifting your thoughts to view your flaws as gifts, starting with my own perfectionism (that started long, long, long ago).

I'm hosting a free training on March 28th at 2pm Central on this very topic, and I'd love for you to be there.

In this free training, I'm going to show you how to start re-wiring your brain to see your flaws as gifts so you can experience the kind of confidence that changes everything.

If you scroll Instagram and daily find someone to compare yourself to (and feel less-than them because of their results), or you feel like you can't speak up in a group of successful people because you're worried you'll say something stupid, or you struggle to articulate exactly what you do and why you do it when someone asks about your business (even though you know deep down that you have something to offer)...this is for you.

Sign up for the training here!


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