051 - Stop the Habit of Rushing & Break Free From the Race to Catch Up

Redeeming Roots Podcast

May 7 2024 • 23 mins

Do you feel tired from trying to keep up with the people around you? Maybe you just need a break (like I did). In this episode I’m sharing a story from my childhood that started a cascade of experiences - all leading towards a state of constant hurrying in my life (which eventually led to health problems and burnout).

Are you aware of the things your body is telling you, but you’re ignoring it to keep going and keep pushing?

Maybe you’ve already been on the burnout train and now you’re doing everything in your power to stay off of it (nobody likes where that train goes).

Listen in to this episode as I share about my journey with “hurry” and “keeping up” and how I’ve shifted to be someone who does not hurry (at all) - and how you can do that too!

If you’re liking this series, I want to invite you to join the waitlist for Beyond Burnout. I’ll be opening the doors this summer, and want you to get on the waitlist so you don’t miss it.

Once you join the waitlist, you’ll receive weekly emails for the duration of this series with the link to the podcast episode for the week, a tip/action step and/or a journal prompt to get you one step closer to your goals.

Join the waitlist for Beyond Burnout here.



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  • Follow & Say “hey” on IG here: instagram.com/itsmeganbarrett
  • Remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share with 3 friends who could benefit from this podcast episode today.

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