S2E17 Money, shall we save and how-Part 1

Life Workshop

Sep 5 2023 • 20 mins

Some say you don't have to worry about saving since you might be dead by tomorrow. My question is, have you died over the past several years :) Most likely you won't be dead for the next several years as well. These are simple stats.
There are a lot of good videos online about how to save. In this podcast I would like to get you thinking on making your own ways of saving. Helping you figure out how to fish rather than providing you with the fish.

Often regardless of how little or a lot you make, you will end up saving or spending it all because of your own set of thoughts. Yes it is primarily a set of thoughts.

To some the meaning of "afford" is the ability to pay the installments, to me is if you can pay it off cash without affecting your lifestyle.

I am not sure how we have come up with terms such as "I deserve the luxury", "treat yourself", "splurge', "paying for the convenience". Does it make sense to pay so much for the little extra convenience and splurge?