Rethinking Competitors: A Simple Reframe to Increase Market Share and Boost Revenue

Marketer For Hire

Oct 4 2023 • 11 mins

In today's episode, I'm uncovering how a simple reframe can expand your market share and boost revenue for your business.

The reframe? How you define competitors.

If you think you know your competitors, you’re halfway there. But most business owners define competitors far too narrowly which leads to missed revenue opportunities.

Grab those earbuds if you're ready to take your marketing to the next level and attract new customers who don't even know they need your product or service. Let’s grow your revenue like never before.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  1. Define competitors for your business (it’s not what you’ve been doing)
  2. Rethink your competitor analysis and discover new growth opportunities.
  3. Identify how your customers are misdiagnosing their needs and where to address it in your marketing so they come to you.

Full Show Notes Here!

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