How Alec Borenstein Strikes a Balance Between Work and Family as a Lawyer

Family Hustle Podcast

Aug 16 2023 • 21 mins

Alec R. Borenstein is an Estate Planning Attorney at Pashman Stein Walder Hayden, where he advises business owners and individuals on trusts and estates, corporate and business law, and commercial real estate. He specializes in drafting wills and trusts, including revocable, grantor, and charitable trusts.

Alec also provides guidance on business and succession planning, such as operating and shareholder agreements and commercial leases. Above all, Alec's top priority is to assist his clients in planning for themselves, their families, and their businesses, securing their well-being regardless of life's challenges.

In this episode…

The legal profession is known for its demanding work schedules, and lawyers often face the challenge of balancing their personal and professional lives. With long hours and high-pressure work environments, finding equilibrium can be a significant challenge.

Alec Borenstein believes that the key to balancing his work and personal life is the ability to compartmentalize. He tries to separate his work life from his personal life as much as possible and focuses on being present at the moment, whether he's with his family or at work.

In this episode of the Family Hustle Podcast, Alec Borenstein is interviewed by Chad Franzen of Rise25 about how he balances his work and family responsibilities as a lawyer. Alec shares his strategies for balancing his work and personal life, including compartmentalizing his emotions and setting boundaries to protect his time. He also discusses how he stays productive and manages his time effectively to achieve success in both his personal and professional lives.