Embracing the More that You Feel Called to with Jocelyn Chong

Seeing Your Inner Brilliance

Jul 24 2023 • 48 mins

You have a nudge on your heart that keeps you up at night and gets you out of  bed in the morning. Maybe you even have a vision for what this next phase of your life will look like... maybe you don't yet. But one thing is for sure, the nudge on your heart that you are called for more is undeniable.

In this episode, host and Self Worth and Confidence Coach, Charlsey Childers, talks with Jocelyn Chong on what her journey was like of embracing that call. Jocelyn shares her story about leaving her successful banking career as an executive to follow her heart as well as the challenges and obstacles she faced along the way. She also shares the wisdom she gained when looking back on that pivotal journey.

We cover:

  • when the journey to success is harder than you thought it would be
  • tying your identity to your work
  • wrestling with the thoughts of, "is this it for me? And is this where I'll always be?"
  • embracing the unknown of what's actually possible for us
  • surrounding ourselves with like-minded people and letting go of those who don't see you, hear you, and value you for where you are now and where you want to go
  • loving your life yet feeling like it's not enough... that there's something bigger out there for you

If this resonates, grab your airpods and press play now!


Jocelyn Chong is a Business Growth Coach and Consultant, Four Time #1 International Best Selling Author. Keynote Speaker and Multi-Award Winner.  She empower service-based female entrepreneurs and executives to unleash their potential and embody wealth consciousness so they can attract the right clients, double their sales results and fall in love with their businesses.  Currently, her mission is to inspire self-led business leaders to tap into their unique gifts and scale their businesses with intuitive guidance. Jocelyn has been featured in Channel 9, Amazon, Thrive Global, Digital Journal, FOX, Ask.com, The Times, and Finance News World.

Grab a free copy of her ebook: 5 (Previously) Unwritten Levers for Vast Success to discover the ways high-achieving individuals unwittingly limit themselves and how you can avoid the pitfalls


Links mentioned:

The Made for More Masterclass: For go-getters who are ready to step into the more they deeply desire. Blending psychology with emotional intelligence, Made for More will help you level up your understanding of why you want more and how you can turn that desire into your own, built-in homing beacon to keep you on track as you activate the greatness inside of you. You can expect to walk away feeling free to want what you want and being empowered to take action on your desires with or without needing support, validation, permission, or tangible proof. Enjoy lifetime access.



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Talk soon,

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Talk soon,
