Storytelling About AstrumU With Adam Wray

The Use Case with William Tincup by RecruitingDaily

Aug 24 2023 • 24 mins

Ever wondered how AI can turbocharge your hiring process? Are you curious to know how a deep understanding of individual skills can revolutionize recruitment? Then buckle up, as Adam Wray from AstrumU joins us for a riveting conversation, shedding light on the potential of an AI data platform in skill-based hiring. He delves into how this technology identifies and measures skills. Moreover, he emphasizes its potential to bridge the gap between industry, education, and individuals - creating a clearer path for job seekers, employers, and educators alike.

As we journey through this discussion with Adam, we explore the value of non-traditional degrees and how they aid in nurturing critical thinking skills. We're breaking down biases and challenging the status quo. It's about appreciating the lifelong value of critical thinking, and how AI can quantify it. We also discuss the shelf life of skills and the importance of understanding an individual's unique skill set. Notably, Adam shares how AstrumU uses AI to assess and map these skills to suitable roles, aiding job seekers in making informed career decisions.

In the final leg of our chat, we take a deeper look at AI's role in identifying individual skills and how this can shape recommendations for learning or work. Here's a thought - what if we could use philanthropic dollars to fund training companies connected to HRIS systems, reducing the cost of upskilling individuals? We ponder this innovative idea, and discuss the potential benefits for organizations like the Texas Workforce Commission in understanding how military skills translate to the corporate world. So, join us for this enlightening conversation and get ready to rethink hiring, education, and skill development through the lens of AI.

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