Storytelling about Maki with Maxime Legardez

The Use Case with William Tincup by RecruitingDaily

Aug 8 2023 • 24 mins

What if you could slash your hiring process time in half and still manage to recruit top-tier talent? That's exactly what Maxime Legardez from Maki People promises in our candid conversation. His SaaS HR product is revolutionizing the recruitment landscape for large enterprises by adopting a skill-based approach that assesses a potential hire's soft and hard skills in less than three minutes, saves significant time in the pre-screening phase, and reduces the time to hire. The cherry on top? Companies can even brand their job offers, creating a memorable candidate experience.

Max goes on to navigate the intricacies of their product's two core pillars, a library of 200 tests and the option to upload custom tests. Shaking up the traditional recruitment paradigm, he highlights the need for a dynamic, skill-based method. He brings this point home with a success story from Capgemini, demonstrating how their product not only streamlines the recruitment process but also ensures the best talent is identified effectively. If you're pondering about a unique perspective on recruitment and want to level up your hiring process, today's episode featuring Max is a must-listen.

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