Episode 109 Just the father talking again

The Child Support Agency truth

Apr 23 2024 • 46 mins

Just talking about how a lot of things have changed since I was a child.
There are a lot of good things about progress and a lot of bad things too.
I will give an example of both here. 1 of the good things I think anyway is the laws around Marijuana have changed a lot. For example, there used to be stupid laws around Marijuana and there was a zero-tolerance policy around it. Now, the laws have been changed around Marijuana drastically. Now Marijuana in America anyway is either medical or recreational or in some states, it is still illegal. When I was under 30, if your weed person had good weed then so did you. If your weed person had bad weed then so did you. I do not drink alcohol anymore anyway, or smoke cigarettes either. I just smoke dope that's all.  it is cool though. Now, you go into a store and there are these things that I like a lot called vaporizers. They are about the size of a cigarette maybe shorter, by an inch or 2 anyway, when I was under 30 (in the 1990s) I heard of vaporizers and I saw one once and it looked a lot like a water bong. It was a large contraption. Now a bad example: When I pay my child support, each month I send it to them in the mail. A postage stamp used to cost .25 cents and it would take 2 days to send. Now in 2024 it costs .68 cents and takes 5 days to send. That changed a lot. Like bills that used to take 2 days to pay from your bank, now take 5, you are way better off just going directly to their website. This is just a small part of your ability to see that the entire global economy is based on inflation. Hyperinflation is a killer though, it has touched everything except salaries which are the same. Salaries should go up with inflation. The best thing a child can do right now I mean this moment, is locate a postage stamp or a page of stamps or whatever and keep it until they turn about 65. That stamp costs .68 cents now, when they are 65 it will be worth many thousands of dollars. Just the cost of a postage stamp alone will cost probably double or triple the cost that they do now.

My car is broken down so other than donations, which are like few and far between, I have no income at all and I need income. Here is a link to my website which has several ways to help me out for free or instantly donate to me, or use 1 of the affiliate links also on that page will help me out a lot. So here is a video starring Sue the only donor so far to help me out and she donated to me $25.00! Be like Sue!

Also, here is a link to my direct.me page that is like linktree.


Here is a link to my linktree page


Please help me ASAP. I would not ask for help unless I really needed it.


Rideshare Sean

All episodes are created and edited by Sean L.