Andrea Has Questions...for Jared Gleaton

Andrea Has Questions

Nov 10 2023 • 58 mins

In this episode, I sit down with royalty from one of my favorite local, so-awful-at-times-you-have-to-watch Facebook groups - Tulsa Restaurant Reviews. And while Jared Gleaton isn't affiliated with TRR in any way, he uses the channel to share his reviews of Tulsa's fine dining restaurants. These reviews are LEGIT, friends. We dive into where his fancy taste in food (and cologne) comes from - among other topics - and he analyzes my fear of sharing my opinion on FB groups... This school psychologist by day, foodie by night, made some good points, but I think I'll still abstain... But you shouldn't! Comment and let me know what you think!! Thanks for listening.

Andrea Has Questions is hosted by Andrea Myers. Watch episodes on YouTube, follow the show on Instagram or visit

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