Jude Marr

A Thousand Shades of Green

Mar 8 2024 • 17 mins

Jude Marr (he, him) is a Pushcart-nominated trans poet, editor and teacher. Jude’s full-length collection, We Know Each Other By Our Wounds, came out from Animal Heart Press in 2020, and he admires the press’s founders so much that he now also works with them, as a reader, editor, and social media person. Jude also has a chapbook, Breakfast for the Birds (Finishing Line Press, 2017) and he is currently putting together a new, as yet unnamed, collection. Jude’s work has appeared in many journals and anthologies on both sides of the Atlantic; most recently in Reed Magazine, Leavings, Cutleaf Journal, and in Masculinity: An Anthology of Modern Voices just out from Broken Sleep Books. After a checkered early career and ten years of living, learning and teaching in the US, Jude is now in England, working as a freelance editor and writing coach, and sometimes teaching an evening class in creative writing at the local art college. But cold winters and creeping intimations of age do not agree with Jude; he is plotting another move, hopefully to a warmer climate, next year. Here’s to the next adventure.

For more about Jude’s work and to contact him, go to his website judemarr.com or find him on social media.