S2 #3 'From Private Jets to Calculating Carbon - My Journey into Sustainability', with Sylwia Bodzon

The EcoSend Podcast

Mar 15 2023 • 31 mins

We're always fascinated to hear about our guests' journeys into Sustainability. Few have been quite as exciting and dramatic as our latest guest on the podcast, Sylwia Bodzon!

For this episode James sat down with Sylwia, Account Executive & Sustainability Advisor at EIVEE™ to talk about

- Sylwia's fascinating journey, from working in private aviation to helping companies calculate their carbon emissions.
- The difficulties companies run into when trying to calculate their own emissions.
- How carbon reporting will become just as vital as financial reporting in the future.
- The role AI will play in the future of Sustainability.
- How the aviation industry can turn green, and much more..!

About Sylwia Bodzon:
Sylwia is a sustainability advisor and account executive at a start-up called EIVEE (pronounced: IVY), where she helps businesses across the Nordics map their carbon emissions and report on their footprint.

Sylwia has over 10 years of International sales and marketing career under her belt, however, she has spent majority of it in the business aviation industry, working at start-ups as well as at a Fortune 100, until she decided to shift her career path to sustainability…

Further Resources:
Sylwia on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bodzon/
EIVEE: https://www.eivee.io/
EIVEE Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eivee/