Outstanding B2B Sales Techniques for Winning More Business

Corporate Caffeine with Dacia Coffey

May 16 2022 • 49 mins

Selling in the B2B space means having both unique challenges and opportunities.

There is no such thing as an impulse B2B purchase, but your customer’s purchases are still based on EMOTION. Learning to tap into that emotion as a way to guide your sales process can totally revolutionize your business.

That’s our focus today as Dacia goes through a TON of sales techniques for winning more business in B2B industries. She’ll focus on how to shorten your sales cycle, grow faster, and truly serve your potential customers in a positive way.

She also discusses:

- Dacia’s book has launched!

- Why are sales techniques important to marketing?

- Always focus on why someone is buying (emotion)

- How to do pain mirroring

- Don’t rely on sales superstars, build good systems

- The importance of highlighting the quantifiable value in worksheets

- What you think about your solution doesn’t matter!

- The customer defines your value

- How to sell on social media

- Use transformation stories instead of case studies

- Learn to take the lead on sales processes

- Show, don’t tell

- Don’t underestimate specificity

- Clearly define your marketing qualified lead is and their sales cycle

- How to align your sales and marketing efforts

- How to address client fears

- When to address pricing

Books mentioned:

Lean Selling by Robert J Pryor


The Lost Art of Closing by Anthony Iannarino


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