How To Grow Revenue Quality: Hidden Risk & Valuation

Corporate Caffeine with Dacia Coffey

Nov 2 2022 • 22 mins

If you are a business leader or entrepreneur and plan to sell your business eventually, you should build it up to the highest value possible.

You may think because you have a really strong business model and have documented your financial processes and profitability, the value of your business is clear. However, this is not necessarily the case.

That’s what we are going to dive into in today’s episode of Corporate Caffeine. We will cover the hidden risks and valuations often missed in business and how to grow your revenue's quality for a positive valuation.

We also cover:

- Why are some businesses given a high valuation?

- Why you ought to be building a company of excellence

- focus ruthlessly on revenue generation

- Evaluating the Quality of Your Revenue

- How to find the true value of a company

- Is your business replicable?

- Getting predictable growth

- Brand equity also helps you recruit top talent

- Benchmarks for Sales Conversion

- Focusing on the Right Kind of Value

- How to bulletproof your future business

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