Marketing in a Recession: How to Optimize

Corporate Caffeine with Dacia Coffey

Oct 5 2022 • 29 mins

Unfortunately, we live in a culture where our to-do lists are so long that we have a tendency to get stuff done and never do the follow-up.

This means we miss this huge question: How do we actually optimize something? This could be around digital marketing, building your team, or helping them develop.

This could be around a personal project that you have. How do you actually optimize?

Today I'm going to break down a few ways to think about this, and I hope to encourage you to go back and get more out of what you're already doing.

This is all about good stewardship. We have been entrusted with resources: people, mental capacity, financial points of view, relationships, and more.

We also discuss:

- Where should we optimize first?

- What's working, and what isn't?

- Building an ecosystem

- Is your message right?

- Your budget alignment

- Getting more out of people

- Are there new or alternative ways to do things?

- Optimizing Your Time

- Being intentional with your calendar.

Want to connect directly with a marketing expert? Reach out here!