The Psychology of Marketing and Sales with Tim Barry

Corporate Caffeine with Dacia Coffey

Aug 24 2022 • 1 hr 36 mins

Tim Barry, CEO of Sandler Training and Executive Coach. Tim found himself with a job before he was legally able to. The plot thickens when he was busted and then decided to go into business for himself! He sold the company he started as a teen and now he’s a master sales trainer. There is a ton of psychology behind what he does and why he’s so good at helping other people be successful.

On this episode we take a deep dive into the psychology of sales and marketing as well as understanding work life balance. To what extent do you go to be successful and where does this leave you in the end?

We talked about:

  • “Gettin’ shit done.”
  • Not allowing the world’s negativity to get to you.
  • IR Theory : Identity v. Role
  • The Chicago Bears *side-eye*
  • Ways of learning: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic
  • The Importance of Journaling: Work life balance
  • The importance of understanding sales
  • Sales and Marketing going hand in hand
  • Overcoming challenges as a business owner
  • Goal Setting: Knowing where you want to go and measuring your progress


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