The Power of Embracing Curiosity with Jenny Sivie

Corporate Caffeine with Dacia Coffey

Sep 7 2022 • 1 hr 4 mins

What does it look like when curiosity helps you live a rich, exciting and successful life?

On today’s episode of Corporate Caffeine, Dacia and Kyle welcome Jenny Sivie to the table. She is a consummate professional with an amazing sales, marketing and engineering background.

She's been able to carve out a successful career in corporate America but is not defined by her “roles”. Instead, she has learned to follow her curiosity to drive amazing value in her professional career and her personal life.

From a physics degree to sales and marketing to making fun science Tik-Toks, Jenny has climbed her way to the top by staying curious and always looking to the future.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Podcasting before it was popular.
  • Why Jenny chose physics
  • The Intro to the Trans-Am!
  • Jenny Geeks Out the Blog
  • Virtual Reality and all other technologies
  • Rock climbing as real-life problem solving
  • Being a proactive problem solver
  • The Impact of the Trans-Am
  • The dark side of technology
  • Technology and the Youths
  • The power of social media

Let's dive in with Jenny Sivie!

Jenny's Blog: Jenny Geeks Out

The Future is Faster Than You Think