S02E06 - Avoiding Podcast Burnout, Part 2

The Jet Streamer Podcast

Feb 22 2021 • 7 mins

Podcast burnout is a very real thing in the podcast world. For whatever reason, burning out is extremely common amongst new podcasters- with the average podcaster only releasing eight episodes before they fade away. So why is this? And how can we prevent it?

In this, the second episode of our three-part series-within-a-series, we talk about re-evaluating your show (and your expectations) to maybe change it up a little bit and either reduce the pressure on yourself, or reduce the workload. We talk about mindset, ignoring the competition... and we also have 'the chat' about whether or not to call it quits.

This is part 2 of a three-part series on burnout. It wasn't originally intended to be! In fact, it was meant to be only one episode. But I wanted to give this topic the airtime it deserves, and so it's been split into three. Therefore, whenever I mention "last week", I actually mean episode four.


The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.

For more information on Jet Streamer, head to jetstreamer.com.au, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.