S02E09 - Should I do a video podcast?

The Jet Streamer Podcast

Mar 15 2021 • 13 mins

It seems like an absolute no-brainer, doesn't it? If you're going to all that trouble to record a podcast, spending hours putting your content together and organising interviews, then you want to video it as well and release it as video content too, right? Well, it's not as simple as that, unfortunately.

In this episode we cover:

  • What actually does a 'video podcast' mean, and how is it distinct from an audiogram, or a normal podcast?
  • Some of the extra considerations you'll need to think about over and above what you'd normally do for your podcast.
  • The advantages of doing a video podcast, including some of the considerations you might make when you're uploading to YouTube.
  • Some of the drawbacks of making a video podcast.

Ultimately, the decision to video or not is up to you. However, in this episode, we'll provide you with the info you need to make an informed decision: to video, or not to video?


Hosted by podcast producer Chris Plumridge, The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.

For more information on Jet Streamer, head to jetstreamer.com.au, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.