Choosing Sovereignty with Tucker Max

The Power of SPACE

Jan 19 2024 • 47 mins

Tucker Max is the type of person you simply have to experience. He's an accomplished human and one of the smartest people I know, but that's not why I value his friendship, or why I had him on my podcast. I enjoy Tucker's presence because he's REAL. And he brought a very real conversation to this episode.

We dive deep into why Tucker chooses a sovereign lifestyle.  We discuss his journey into homesteading,  his perspective on learning vs decision making, the power of living on land, and what it means to be an avatar.

Being an avatar is not a basic subject. In fact, it's something that very few humans have the capacity for being. I think Tucker is one of those rare humans. I've witnessed him change lives, wake people up, and spark more awareness in the world. He's also been an impactful part of my own journey, which I'm grateful for.

I appreciate Tucker for his authenticity, conviction and dedication to speaking his truth.  He doesn't hold back in a world that makes it easy to hide and stay asleep. I'm excited to see him walk his path.