Paul’s Take #13: The Impact of a Personal Advisory Board in Professional and Self-Growth

Win Monday with Paul Epstein

Feb 11 2024 • 5 mins

In this episode, Paul reflects on his conversation with Ryan and Chad Estis, the authors of the book "Prepare for Impact," which focuses on human-centered leadership and making a positive impact. He discusses the value of having a personal board of directors and emphasizes the importance of diverse advisors for personal and professional growth. Paul shares his own experience with this strategy and encourages listeners to be intentional about their influences, considering the impact of the five people they spend the most time with.

Key Takeaways

  • Diversity in personal directors is crucial for gaining varied perspectives
  • The five people you spend the most time with can greatly impact your life
  • The concept of a personal board of advisors is a transformative tool for achieving success
  • Advocate for deliberate and regular interactions with directors
  • Take proactive steps to form a personal board of directors.

In This Episode:

  • [01:07] The concept of having a personal board of directors
  • [02:05] Paul’s personal experience of implementing the strategy
  • [03:31] Being intentional about one's surroundings.

Notable Quotes

  • [01:07] “We all have a business plan, but do we have a life plan?" – Paul
  • [03:31] "Be intentional about who you surround yourself with; they always say that you will become a byproduct of the five people that you spend the most time with." – Paul

Resources and Links

Win Monday Community (join here)

Paul Epstein