The Emotional Core of Branding with Emily Paulsen | Ep 21

Empire Secrets with Mariana Henninger

Jan 11 2024 • 25 mins

Think branding is just about eye-catching designs and clever slogans? Nope.

This episode of 'Empire Secrets' I chat with my gal Emily Paulsen, a brand strategist. Emily has spent 14 years mastering the art of branding, not just for the big players like Abercrombie and Fitch and Wendy's but for startups and online businesses.

In our chat, Emily takes us behind the scenes of crafting a brand that resonates. It's not just business; it's personal. She delves into how emotion drives brand loyalty and why your unique story is your brand's superpower. We're not just talking theory here. Emily shares real-world examples and practical tips on creating a brand that connects and endures.

Here's what we talk about:

  • How businesses can effectively use their story to connect with customers on a deeper level.
  • Consumer psychology and how it influences branding strategies.
  • The significance of unique expertise in creating a brand identity.
  • How brands change and adapt as businesses and their audiences evolve.
  • The differences between personal and business branding and how to balance them.
  • Maintaining authenticity in brand messaging and customer interactions.
  • Strategies for long-term branding success and building a brand that evolves with the market.

For anyone playing the long game in business, this is a conversation you won't want to miss.

Don't miss Emily's complimentary 30-minute call to ask questions, share concerns and get expert eyes on your current brand!

If we haven't yet - let's connect on Instagram! Find me at