Finding life’s calling through adversity and a heavy does of intuition with Sue Ann Grann

Time to Sing Your Song

May 9 2023 • 1 hr 9 mins

If you have children, your number one priority is their health and safety. There’s not even a close second. That was certainly the case for Sue Ann Grann.

After several years of trying to have kids, she gave birth to triplets, three boys.

Although they were healthy out of the gate, one of her boys suffered intense stomach pains.

The doctors placated Sue Ann. They told her there’s nothing really wrong, don’t overreact, just have him take his medications.

But Sue Ann’s intuition told her something very different. She knew something was off. It finally came to a head when her son was rushed into surgery where he lost 2/3 of his blood.

Sue Ann’s son is doing great now but it was a pivotal moment in her life. Not only did it teach her to never go against her gut, but it was also the catalyst for an unlikely career change. Sue Ann knew that she couldn’t go back to her career in communications. Her calling was to serve and help people. She took a risk and went on a journey of self reflection and learning, serendipitously finding her dream job at a natural wellness company, focused on essential oils and supplementation.

Check out my conversation with Sue Ann to hear the full story where she talks about:

  • Finding space to hear what your intuition is telling you
  • Discovering your life’s calling through adversity
  • The impact of following your dreams on others, most notably your kids
  • The deep relationships you create when you share your story
  • Recognizing that life will always be hard, so you might as well pick a hard that you love

As you listen to our conversation I’d encourage you to think about three questions:

  • What is your intuition telling you right now? Are you listening to it or ignoring it?
  • If you had the confidence that it would all work out, what would you do with your life?
  • What behaviors are you modeling to friends and family? And if you are a parent, are you giving your kids the confidence to chase their dreams?

Go to to learn more about Sue Ann and order her book “Facing the Waves: Working Through Grief with Essential Oils & Stories of Hope.”

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  • Go to Apple Podcasts and give TTSYS a review. It really helps in bringing awareness of these awesome stories, like Sue Ann’s.
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Finally if you have an incredible story where you are singing your song or you know someone who does, hit me up. On social media – Mike Kearney on LinkedIn and mkearney33 on Twitter. You can even email me at