Finding Good with Mike Thompson

Time to Sing Your Song

Oct 10 2023 • 1 hr 33 mins

Mike was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was 10. After several surgeries, chemo, radiation, and two bone marrow transplants, he beat it.

But radiation from the first bone marrow transplant left him with cancer in his jaw, which required a 12 hour surgery to reconstruct his jaw. After a follow-up procedure went wrong, he told his mom that he just wanted to die. Inspired by family and letters from his classmates, Mike once again beat cancer. But cancer was just the first obstacle.

The pain in his jaw and a medical system all too willing to medicate him left Mike addicted to a litany of prescription meds, headlined by opioids. After seven years Mike was able to beat his opioid addiction through rehab and, once again, the support of his family and friends

Mike is now singing his song. Shortly after getting out of rehab Mike rediscovered his love for sport. He started with a three mile jog around a lake in Austin. That compelled him to get back on his bike and the rest is history. He has since competed in the Ironman in Kauai and summited Mount Kilimanjaro, all while raising money for cancer. He even got his master’s degree in Communication Studies from Texas State University., has a job that celebrates his purpose, and is married to the love of his life.

And now Mike is coming out with a new book, Finding Good where he shares his recipe for living your best life.

As you listen to our conversation, pause and think about these three questions:

  • Are you being selfish and putting yourself first?
  • Are you scratching that itch, doing that thing that brings you joy?
  • Do you find yourself taking everything way too seriously?

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As I go deeper on this journey, it is becoming clearer by the day that Time to Sing Your Song is a platform for ordinary people to share their stories of how they overcame gnarly obstacles to live a life that they only dreamed about. If you have a story or know someone who does, reach out to me. Easiest way is to send me an email at or a direct message on social media – Mike Kearney on LinkedIn and mkearney33 on Twitter.