Reinventing my life after the dream job lost its meaning with Michelle Anne Johnson

Time to Sing Your Song

Aug 8 2023 • 1 hr 36 mins

Michelle is like so many of us. From the outsider's perspective, she was living an incredible life. Michelle was an actress on some of the most well-known TV shows of our time, balancing it with a typical corporate job. But she wasn’t happy. The work had lost its meaning and the dream was no longer hers.

Not knowing exactly what she wanted to do, she did what so many of us are scared to do. She took the leap. She needed to explore who she was and what she wanted to do.

In this wide ranging conversation, Michelle shares her journey of reinvention and advice on what others can do if they are looking to pivot in their life. We dive into:

  • The importance of getting at the root cause of what’s holding you back
  • The need to disconnect from your old identify
  • The importance of going inside to measure your success
  • Letting go of the notion that life has to look a certain way
  • Why action is so important in getting feedback into who you are
  • Her take on failure and why reinvention is an iterative process
  • How she is now singing her song, helping people show up more authentically, with confidence and purpose

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Finally, if you have an incredible story where you are singing your song or you know someone who does, hit me up. On social media – Mike Kearney on LinkedIn and mkearney33 on Twitter. You can even email me at