The ultimate gift of creating magical experiences with loved ones whose time is coming to an end with Seth Collins

Time to Sing Your Song

Mar 1 2023 • 1 hr 18 mins

Can you imagine losing your job and your girlfriend over a weekend and then having your dad pass a year later?

Sounds tragic. But sometimes life gives us what we need, when we need it. And in Seth’s case, that was space to spend the last year of his father’s life collaborating on a project that was meaningful to both of them, on many levels, and in different ways.

This one hits home for me. I lost my mom when I was 20. Without explanation and logic I packed up and moved to my parents home in Las Vegas, of all places, and spent the last four months of my mom’s life with her. It was under very different circumstances. She was struggling with alcoholism, but the time was a gift that I cherish to this day.

As you listen to my conversation with Seth, I’d encourage you to think about 3 questions:

  • What should you let go of that no longer serves you?
  • How can you expand your gratitude practice to include people and experiences that were not positive in the moment?
  • How can you co-create a meaningful experience with someone who is in their final years of life?

If you have a kick-ass story or you know someone who does, hit me up. On social media, Mike Kearney on LinkedIn and mkearney33 on Twitter. You can even send an email to

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