My mindset is more powerful than my limitations with Chef Destiny

Time to Sing Your Song

Dec 21 2022 • 1 hr 25 mins

So many people have a voice inside of their head that tells them that they can’t do it, they're not good enough, they don’t have the proper education, or didn't go to the right school. Or maybe the time’s just not right.

These are the beliefs that dash so many dreams. But not for Destiny. During the height of COVID she went to cooking school and started two home chef businesses. And in less than 15 months she is kicking butt. Her businesses are thriving and she is singing her song.

Initially Destiny didn't think it was possible to pursue her dream of becoming a chef. She had adult responsibilities and the idea of being away from her kids with the crazy hours chefs work just didn't work for her. Unsure where cheffing could go, she dipped her toes in the water. She signed up at an accelerated cooking school. And that’s where she discovered the art of personal cheffing.

What makes Destiny’s story so inspirational is that she has succeeded despite challenges in her life. Yes, she has a learning disorder. Yes, she didn't do well in school. And yes, she doesn't have a college degree. But Destiny has something much more important. She has a mindset that doesn’t see limitations. If someone tells her no, she just keeps pushing. If she fails, she dusts herself off and she keeps going.

If you are someone with a boatload of excuses weighing down your dream, take a listen to my conversation with Chef Destiny. It may just be what you need to take the first step.