Sticky Valves Chapter 4

Dark Pennine Tales

May 2 2024 • 12 mins

New occupant of the Grange stirs up intrigue and curiosity in an otherwise quiet neighbourhood. Curious Christine Baker dedicates much of her time peering out her window, observing the mysterious exterior renovations to the Grange and eagerly waiting to meet her new neighbour. Soon, peculiar events and a misdelivered mail propel her into the life of the impeccably dressed stranger, Mr. Norman Morgan.

As Christine enters the newly refurbished Grange, she can't shake off the feeling that something about Norman's constant poised exterior feels sinister. His charm and cultured persona, while alluring, isn't enough to fully mask the aura of the unknown trailing behind him. Christine's instincts are intrigued by Norman's unusual interest in the local traditions and willingness to integrate into their way of life. Despite her instincts, Christine ends up assisting Norman to blend in with the local community.

Unfolding events set a thrilling pace to a tale filled with questions, offering a cryptic glimpse into the life of a mysterious man who once was a stranger and now an exciting puzzle. The fine line between curiosity and suspicion begins to blur as Christine immerses herself deeper into Norman's world.