Dark Pennine Tales


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Sticky Valves Chapter 11
May 22 2024
Sticky Valves Chapter 11
The first stage is done. It has been very successful, said the master. It has worked on some. The rest will be turned. Then we will take out the remainder of the band. Those that resist, we kill. Yes, master, said Kate. So I just thought I would just show you a preview of further attractions, the master said. They were outside the primary school, looking through the window at the lines of children, children practising for the Christmas concert. A huge school choir singing a Latin Christmas carol. Look at all those lovely children. I'm so looking forward to it, whispered Kate. The master watched the light shining in her dead eyes and chuckled. He took her in his arms and waltzed her around the school playground as the children sang. Maurice was out on one of his nightly walks, a regular mission to the shop so that he could buy his liver. It was cold but he was enjoying being outside for once and was taking his time. As he was walking along he saw a picture, an A4 photocopy of a missing dog pinned to a tree. A few steps further and he saw another on the lamppost. He stared at this, taking it in. He was there quite a while thinking about what he should do about it, or if he should do anything about it at all. The street was so quiet, apart from an owl hooting every so often, it gave him plenty of space to think. The picture had a phone number and an address, and he knew precisely where this was. After walking along slowly, looking down at the pavement and his feet walking on it, he decided he would make a visit after he had been to the shops. He needed to give someone a little bit of advice. The owl hooted in agreement. Bob was on the telephone again to Adam. He was discussing the recent absences from band. That is really creepy, said Adam. And, yeah, I think it is suspicious too. Why do you think it is vampires? Have you seen any punctures? Well, no, replied Bob. They could be kidnapped, Adam offered. They aren't being kidnapped because no one has asked for any ransom. And their families aren't rich either, Bob said. Are you sure you aren't paranoid? Anyway, don't you have to be a virgin? Adam asked. I don't know, I don't think so. Not if this is really happening, because some of these people are definitely not virgins, but I really think that some are vampires, and some are on the brink of becoming vampires. I've just got a really weird feeling about it, Adam. Bob admitted. Do you think we watch too much horror, mate? Adam asked. No, not enough, and I want you to find out as much as you can about vampires and how you kill them. Bob said. Janet had let the phone ring about twenty times before Liz had picked it up. Hi Liz, it's Janet. How are you? Janet asked. I'm not well at all, Liz grumbled. Still got it then, sorry to hear that. How's Andy? Janet asked. He's fine, Liz replied tiredly. Doesn't sound like it's catching. At least that's something. I want to talk to you about Peter. Janet said. Yes, how is Woody? Liz asked. He's not well. He hides away most of the day. I don't know how he feels really. He won't talk to me or tell me about it. In fact, he is nasty to me and aggressive. He won't let me help him. I don't know what to do. Janet admitted. That is not Woody. What about getting him to the doctors? Liz said. Any mention of it and he goes berserk. But I thought I should just tell you, you know. A trouble shared is a trouble halved, Janet said. Let us know if we can do anything, and try and keep cheerful, Janet, Liz said. I am trying, believe me. Bye, Janet muttered. Bye, Janet, Liz said sadly. Keith sat in his basement. At the side of him, on the cold cement floor, he had a sizeable Hessian shopping bag. In it were three cats that he had caught one by one. They were pretty hard to catch, even for him. When he had caught them, he had broken their necks. Then he had placed each one in the bag. For the moment, this would have to be enough, he thought. He did not want his friends or colleagues investigating a whole lot of murders. The master had spoken to him quite forcefully, and left him in no doubt about how far he could go. Keith had lost control twice now and the master had to bring those two into the fold before their time. Enough was going on with the missing people at band and those that were ill. If anyone checked the infected and how their symptoms presented themselves it wouldn't take much for some people to put two and two together. He had to make sure there was nothing else suspicious going on. The master was right. His survival depended on it too. Everyone would know soon enough. Woody was not ready to take the next step. Lying in bed again, analysing how powerful he felt, just like when he was a teenager, perhaps even better, and that was enjoyable. The best thing to do was to try and seek out some of the others and find out what he should do, he thought. Staying locked in his bedroom forever was not an option. How many times could he say to Janet, when she came to bed at night, that he would sleep on the sofa and watch his video collection, as he couldn't sleep. If he stayed in the bedroom all night he would harm her. He was making the choice when she was asleep to go out and feed on animals but this would have to end soon. Colin wanted to bite his wife too. He did not know how he was going to stop this. It was an overwhelming compulsion. He had always been a small and gentle man and loved his wife dearly. Why had this happened to him? He decided when he did it and it would be when then he would make it as painless as possible for her. Keith picked up Yvonne from the train station. It was rainy, and after she got in, the car windows started steaming up, which made him angry. She has been visiting her sister, and as soon as she put on her seatbelt, she was yakking on about this and that. What her sister had, and how lovely her brother-in-law was, and their new car. He was already annoyed as the train was late, so he took the route through the moors. As he drove, he made a plan in his head of how all this would go down. It wasn't supposed to happen tonight, but he realised that this was his ideal opportunity, and he was going to go for it. Pulling the car up at a gravelled area at the side of the moors, he switched off the engine. It was bleak and insanely dark. He had left streetlights behind about three miles ago, and was relieved that the night wouldn't unveil any telltale signs that he had changed. The rain still came down out of the dense, suppressing clouds. He knew just how to push Yvonne's buttons. What have you stopped for, Yvonne asked. What have you stopped for, Keith mimicked in a woman's high voice. If you shut up for one minute, you will find out, he shouted. Don't you dare shout at me like that, she said. You rude bloody man. My sister never gets spoken to like that. Shut up. I have stopped the car to tell you, you are not allowed to go to your sister's again, Keith said with a smirk. How dare you. Who do you think you are? Just because you can tell people off at work, it doesn't mean you can tell me what to do. I'll go to my sister's even more now. I was happy there, you pig, Yvonne shouted. Keith smacked her across the face. Now you've done it, she screamed at him, while she fiddled frantically with the seatbelt and picked up her handbag before getting out. She briskly started walking down the road away from the car. That was just perfect, thought Keith, Keith. Attacking her on the moors would ensure minimum clean-up and maximum fun. No one would hear her scream. Keith got out of his car and turned his face up to the rain and smiled. It didn't matter how much of a head start he gave her because he would still catch her. This would have the added bonus of her being weak and less likely to scratch him up. If she thought she could hide, he had a surprise too. His eyesight was even better in the dark. This was just so perfect. I'm coming, dear, he shouted. I'm coming to get you. He laughed madly and raced towards her. A chill ran down Yvonne's back and she started to run. Ernie had called every band member in the afternoon, but had only managed to reach about ten of them. He had made thirty phone calls. Two-thirds of his band couldn't be ill or indisposed. Generally, he had a ninety percent success rate. Lynn came into his office with a cup of tea and two chocolate digestives. She could tell by his face that all wasn't well. Not had much luck, Earn, she asked. No, only managed to reach ten, Ernie replied gravely. What do you think they are up to? Lynn asked. I don't know, but they can't all be having a bit of afternoon delight, he smiled. Oh, Ernie, she laughed. He laughed loudly, and she walked out of the room and shut the door. He soon stopped laughing and looked out the window. What the hell is going on? I've just been having a quick look about vampires on the internet, Adam said to Bob. Okay, said Bob. Has there been any interaction with blood or any sharing of it, Adam asked. Bob thought hard and chewed his chewing gum very loud. Adam knew this helped Bob to think, and let him chew down the phone as loud as he wanted to. Not as I know of, said Bob, but there might have been. All right. Have you seen any of them react negatively to garlic? Adam asked. Well, I told you about the old guy Maurice. He is back at band, but he certainly didn't like smelling garlic when Danny had bolognese the other day. He couldn't get out of the room quick enough, but neither did anyone else, so that could mean anything, Bob said. Any shying away from crosses? Adam asked. Again, can't verify that. My mum wears one, but it is usually under her polo neck, Bob told him. Well, she's not one then, said Adam. I think I knew that. Oh, my dad, Bob said. Have you noticed pointy teeth on the suspects or marks on their neck? Adam asked. No, but I wasn't looking that close. I will from now on, Bob said. Hmm, fascinating, said Adam, while rubbing his chin. Having little else to do that night. Ernie systematically drove past each band member's house that had not answered his call that day. Some looked like they were out, fair enough. Others had the lights off, with the car in, and the curtains closed. He rang them too. Still no answer. He wrote all this down, and would ponder on it later. Maurice knocked on the door of Diane's house, half expecting to get no reply. He was just about to walk off when Sophie answered the door. Maurice was quite surprised and delighted that she was apparently still uninfected and human, especially when he knew what she was living with. Can I see your mum? Maurice asked. It is imperative or I wouldn't have come. You see, I have what she has got, but I'm as right as ninepence now. I've bought her some medicine. and he shook one of the carrier bags at Sophie. You'd better come in, she said. Maurice followed her into the hall. She's upstairs in her room. I will ask if she can see you, Sophie said. Yes, please, if you don't mind, Maurice replied. Sophie disappeared upstairs and he could hear a brief dialogue through the floorboards. He then heard footsteps on the first couple of stairs. You can come up, Sophie shouted down. He looked up the stairs and she was standing on the top step. I'm going out, so I have to get ready, Sophie said and walked off back into one of the rooms. Maurice got to the top of the stairs. There were three doors. One was open and he could see that it was the bathroom. Sophie was looking through her wardrobe for something in another room, so it must be the shut door. He knocked lightly and entered. The lights were off, but from the brightness of the landing light, he could just make out the form of someone lying on the bed. He entered and shut the door behind him, and as his vampire's eyes got used to the darkness, he could see everything very plainly. It is all right, Diane, Morrie said quietly, so Sophie wouldn't hear. I know what you are, I am the same as you, whatever that may be. Thank you. Are you really? Diane asked, hoping it was true. Yes, I am. I have come to see you to help you, to give you a bit of friendly advice, Maurice said. What about? Diane asked. What do you mean? I happen to notice that your next door's dog has disappeared. Now I don't think it's much of a stretch of the imagination to imagine what has happened, Maurice said quietly. What do you mean? Diane asked, defensively. You know what I mean. Just be truthful with me, Maurice said. Well, yes, okay. I do know what happened to it, Diane said. I knew you did. That is enough of that, Diane. I have been coping now for a while, and I am here to give you advice, Maurice said. He dropped one of his carrier bags onto the bed. What's that? she asked. Liver. I feel great on it. I eat it raw. You'll be absolutely fine if you live on that, and you won't have to resort, in desperation, to eating everyone's pets. Try to keep as much of yourself as you can. If you succumb to these feelings, you will never come back, and Sophie will be in great danger, Maurice said. Okay, Diane nodded. Anything else? I find it is even nicer with a bit of salt and pepper, Maurice said, and keep away from garlic.
May 18 2024
In this intense and captivating story, Angela Blythe pushes the boundaries of horror and suspense as she takes the reader on a nightmarish journey deep into fear and resilience. Awakening in unfamiliar darkness, the woman discovers that she's been buried alive in a roughly crafted pine box. The box, a symbol of her husband John's betrayal and her suffocating marriage, becomes her inescapable prison and the core subject of the story. As she battles the creeping panic, the protagonist's recollection of her life, the hurt and pain she suffered at her husband's hands, becomes the fuel driving her survival instinct. She has to endure the rough, splintery pine box, fight against the suffocating darkness, and bear the pain of her injuries in the silence of her earthen grave, all while grasping at whatever fleeting sanity she still possesses. Angela deftly paints this woman's desperate efforts to claw her way to freedom. Each scrape and pull she makes is a testament to her undying will to survive, an example of the terrifying resilience humans are capable of in dire circumstances. Despite the overwhelming despair and the grim reality of her dire situation, she refuses to succumb, drawing from deep within her the strength to fight for her life.  “Pine" is a harrowing tale of survival, strength, and the brutal realities of life. This story will keep you on the edge of your seat, rooting for an ending you know may not come but desperately wish for nonetheless. Brace yourself for a read that will leave you gasping for breath.
Sticky Valves Chapter 10
May 15 2024
Sticky Valves Chapter 10
In an atmospheric night thick with mist, the band room pines for harmony as illnesses creep like unseen predators. Sue dreads the potential impact of the unknown disease on Bob, the youngest member of the ensemble. As she arrives in her characteristic leather boots, she carries an overwhelming weight of apprehension about the band's fate. The situation takes a turn for the worse when Barry, looking unusually pale, confesses he's feeling "bloody wretched." The band members watch in silence as he beats an uneven rhythm, clutching his conducting baton from the comfort of a chair. Amid the hushed concerns and small acts of support, Liz finds herself slowly detaching from the group. To make matters worse, rumors around her worsening health add to the troubled undercurrents. Their strange illnesses aren't the only unusual thing at the band room; Maurice suddenly finds himself without the need for his stick, claiming that intense physiotherapy gave him a new lease on life. The revelation is met with joy, but also fuels skepticism among some members. As the night progresses, a grim shadow hangs over the room, shrouding it with an unsettling sense of doom. Outside, under the cover of darkness, forces of malevolent nature seethe. The infection spreads like slow venom, marking its victims strategically, one by one. Amidst this escalating crisis, a silver lining emerges; vegetarian Liz could be resistant to the plague. As a vegetarian, she possibly doesn't crave the meat that seems crucial for disease transmission. The discovery, however, only adds to the layers of conundrums. Within the confines of their houses, the infected start surrendering to their altered states, each coping in unique, often disturbing, ways. Diane, once a careworn middle-aged woman, now revels in her regained youth, concealing her dark secret behind newfound vigor. To satiate her inexplicable cravings, she chooses to feed on the innocent dog next door, ensuring her daughter stays safe. As the night ends, the band room turns into a symbolic battleground, a site where the precarious line between the normal and the abnormal blurs. This chilling recount highlights the human battles against fear, sickness and unseen predators, set against the backdrop of an unsuspecting band room.
Sticky Valves Chapter 9
May 15 2024
Sticky Valves Chapter 9
In the episode, 'An Unexpected Transformation: Maurice's New Reality,' we follow the riveting journey of Maurice, a man dealing with mystifying new abilities while grappling with a perplexing infection. As Maurice navigates this unprecedented shift in his life, he goes to great lengths to maintain his bonds with his old friends, particularly Liz, who is also ensnared in the tendrils of the peculiar plague. This snapshot of Maurice's radically changed existence introduces us to his fears and desires. His longing to rekindle the jovial interactions from the past with his clan at their favorite pub is powerful, but held in check by his fear of harming his comrades due to his condition. Caught in this tumultuous conflict of emotions brought about by an unanticipated reality, Maurice clings onto the hope of gaining mastery over his adverse circumstances. Maurice's adventures reveal his internal struggles, whether it's dealing with his guilt for his unintended misdeeds or his steadfast resolution to resist yielding to the dark callings of his condition. Oblivious to Maurice's ordeals, his friends carry on with their routines. Among them, Freddy enjoys his time at the pub, engaged in cheerful talks and savory dishes, incognizant of Maurice's upheaval. In this intense narrative, Maurice yearns for the simplicity and normalcy that his old life offered. He looks at his friends from afar, desiring nothing more than to be part of their happiness, yet his condition keeps him at a distance. As his enduring battle rages on, others in his circle, like Woody, also encounter their unique challenges, creating an intricate network of narratives where humor, dread, and fears overlap and interplay. This episode invites you to step into Maurice's unfamiliar world and every challenge that comes with it. As threads of fate intertwine different lives, the unnerving presence of the mysterious "Master" and his dubious plans adds to the suspense. Brace yourself for a tale of resilience and the human spirit's unyielding strive to persist in an unsuspecting world.
The Hidden
May 11 2024
The Hidden
Delve into the serene and ominous backdrop of the English countryside with "The Hidden". Experience the thrilling unraveling of a complex neolithic tale, hidden for ages in the depths of the Pennines. This historic drama unfolds from an ordinary grassy mound, revealing its deep-lying secrets under the unyielding influence of a harsh winter. Join the protagonist as they discover the unexpected: an intricately carved colossal stone, revealing its enthralling history in the form of beautiful scroll patterns. This fascinating artifact, indicative of non-local sedimentary formation, is no less than a treasure for a team of ardent archaeologists and their indomitable leader, Lily Owen. Experience the thrill as the team unearths an astonishing hidden chamber within the giant rock, igniting a global interest in the previously ordinary rural neighbourhood. Engage in the excitement of untangling the threads of archaeology and geology as the mysterious monolith sparks an exploration into our shared history. However, the discovery takes a dramatic turn, as the monolith begins to exude a mysterious substance — nicknamed "eggnog" — inevitably linked to a series of untimely deaths within the community. The correlating sickness unleashes fears and triggers a desperate survival battle against this unknown enemy. Will the monolith turn out to be a mystical treasure or an insidious foe? Experience goosebumps as a terrifying entity is unveiled from the monolith, a figure so grotesque and unsettling, it subverts the reality and arouses an aura of dread and apprehension that lingers even after our tale ends. This riveting narrative will leave you clutching your seat, pondering over the natural world's inexplicable mysteries. Embark on this chilling journey as our tale merges modern scientific understanding with a dark ancient mystery.
Sticky Valves Chapter 8
May 8 2024
Sticky Valves Chapter 8
In this episode, an unexpected illness plagues several members of Ernie's band during their preparation for an upcoming performance. Despite throbbing adversity, Ernie tries to coordinate substitutes to avert any hindrance in the looming performance. Amidst the chaos, a key group of band members, including Maurice, put their challenges aside and ensure to attend. Soon, tension intensifies as ex-serviceman Jeff shares his stringent views about the band's direction and the changes he wants to introduce. Meanwhile, light-hearted banter among band members, Gary and Danny, provide a moment of relief. However, the night takes a dramatic turn when Maurice abruptly leaves the rehearsal, leaving everyone in surprise. This narrative also witnesses personal drama. The unsuspecting schoolteacher, Sandra Jones, juggles between band troubles and an unfaithful husband. A mysterious text and an unfamiliar perfume trigger her anxieties, propelling her into a roller-coaster ride of emotions and late-night indulgences. A chance encounter with the policeman, Keith in a chilling schoolyard, leaves Sandra at the mercy of his sinister intentions. Unbeknownst to her, an eerie encounter awaits that will leave her helpless and scared. Meanwhile, a creepy turn of events introduces the Thompson brothers engaging in a chilling journey masked by the peace of their village. As they cross into darkness, the suspense escalates. This enlightening episode adeptly intertwines the struggles, uncertainties and hidden stories of a musical family. An awe-inspiring narration of personal drama and musical escapades filled with amazement and thrill, that promise to unfold more in the coming days.
Sticky Valves Chapter 7
May 8 2024
Sticky Valves Chapter 7
In this narrative, we delve into a world where the scent of mysticism prevails, and the air is heavy with uncertainty. Christine, with the looming threat of Alzheimer's and the weight of her financial problems, exemplifies the spirit of resilience. Her focus shifts to the Grange, confronting obstacles head-on and succumbing to her circumstances. Several miles away, Diane battles constant fatigue and persistent feelings of ennui. Oblivious to the extend of her ill health, she dismisses any suggestion of dire need. Paralleled with other individuals like Woody and Janet entangled in a complex relationship mystery along with the secretive Keith and task-absorbed Morris; individual stories weave into a tapestry of struggle, pain, and determination. The narrative takes a dark twist with the introduction of Norman, a sly manipulator contemplating the challenge of turning humans into vampires. His sinister schemes are abruptly interrupted when Christine arrives at his door, hinting at notable desperation. A tense revelation exposes Christine's grim reality, leading her into a desperate plea for help. In a chilling twist, Norman makes an offer; a bargain for life with a horrifying cost. Cornered and paralyzed with fear, Christine ultimately falls to the gruesome fate of Norman's vampiric bite. Soon Michael and Stephen are ushered in, drawn by an irresistible job opportunity; a life thread woven into the dark, manipulative plans of the cunning Norman. Experience the chilling tale of life amidst eerie plans, weaving a compelling narrative through the underbelly of vampirism and grim survival.
Sticky Valves Chapter 5
May 5 2024
Sticky Valves Chapter 5
A seemingly starless night and a persistent drizzle set a mystifying backdrop at Blackfriars Grange, a place echoing with anticipation for the traditional Bonfire Night. With a ragdoll signaling the usual disappointment yet drowned in the spirit of the band's upcoming performance, nothing seemed out of the ordinary—until it did. Dive into this riveting narrative of intrigue, ambition, and unexpected choices in "Sticky Valves Chapter 5". As the story unfurls, we witness the laudable, ambitious, and seemingly ordinary man, Michael Thompson, drawn into a world of power, wealth, and allure. The lure of the beautiful host and the seductive power she possesses starts a chain reaction, merging Thompson's path with the enigmatic Mr. Morgan, a man of influence, wealth, and hidden darkness. The promise of a greater destiny for a seemingly average man becomes a defining moment in his life as he becomes deeply entangled in a web of manipulation, deceit, and dark desires. His journey of self-discovery is guided by Norman, a vampire who plays a sophisticated game, using Michael as a mere pawn in his grand scheme. Meanwhile, a grand compromise sets in between Kate, the seductive host, and Norman, adding a shocking turn to Michael's ambitious journey. The once oblivious local band and community become part of this thrilling story, unknown to them the terrifying transformations and dark ambitions unfolding in the quiet of their neighborhood. Uncover the unfolding journey of desire and ambition and the price one has to pay for it. Will Michael achieve the life he dreams of? Or will destiny have its own story to tell? "Sticky Valves Chapter 5" offers an engaging and thrilling glimpse into the manipulation of ambition and the unseen cost of desire. It's a tale that keeps you on the edge of your seat, eager to uncover what lies ahead. Prepare to be captivated in this twist of desire and deception.
Skin Deep
May 4 2024
Skin Deep
Delve into the heart of "Skin Deep", a chilling Pennine tale penned by the celebrated Angela Blythe. Unravel the twisted story of Vicky and her group of friends - four well-off women on the brink of their fifties, who are about to have their predictable lives shaken by a looming zombie menace. Their mundane lives take a shocking turn when Vicky's husband, Peter, a bright scientist intent on halting the zombie pandemic, makes a startling discovery that dangles the alluring promise of youth in front of them. Just as the ladies are swept up in the exhilarating discovery, Peter's work takes an incredible turn. He uncovers the antidote to the zombie invasion, ironically derived from the rejuvenation serum meant for the ladies. This not only heightens their standard of living but ominously foreshadows their access to the age-defying product being cut off, potentially dashing dreams and hopes. Engage in this riveting narrative where vanity clashes with survival, and friendship is stretched to its limits. When Peter contracts a debilitating illness that stubbornly persists, it uncovers his steadfast dedication to his profession and colleagues. Even as his disease progresses to a severe virus depleting his strength, he is determined to conduct an experiment that may reveal the nature of his sickness. Despite the decline in health and mounting work stress, it is his resolute spirit that forms the essence of his character. Peter's worsening health is disquieting to all and fears about possible grave outcomes are raised; yet the team forges ahead, focusing on finding a solution regardless of any impending threaths. Peter's gruesome transformation into a zombie, albeit terrifying, serves as a blessing in disguise for the scientific endeavor. His meticulous research and a dedicated team ensures hope for a cure is sustained. Amid the fear and confusion, his lifeless form continues to play a crucial part in their cause, serving as the only remotely salvageable zombie specimen. While grieving Peter's loss, the team perseveres in their mission, following his research notes to create a potent serum. Peter's parting words reveal his role in unintentionally infecting himself with the virus, causing a shock amid the team yet serving as a crucial piece of information needed for their cause.
Sticky Valves Chapter 2
May 2 2024
Sticky Valves Chapter 2
Immerse yourself in the rich, layered history of Saddleworth, a picturesque area straddling the counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire. Gracefully embraced by the Pennines' windswept slopes, this region is known for its fresh air, vibrant autumn foliage, and the serene River Tame. Discover the ghostly whispers of Saddleworth's past arising from artifacts and architecture dating back to the Stone Age, Roman era, and the 13th century church. This ancient land is mentioned in the Domesday Book, and is ornamented with centuries-old boundaries marked by crumbling stone walls and elusive, time-ravaged milestones. Saddleworth's tale turns the pages to the Industrial Revolution, when booming woollen and cotton mills fuelled economic and population growth, forging the enduring character of its villages. As these mills diminished, modern Saddleworth reinvented itself as a cultural and heritage hub. Savour a coffee at one of the newly spruced, brightly painted houses turned into bustling cafes. Enjoy local festivals, traditional pubs, sports clubs, trendy boutiques, and everything else Saddleworth has to offer. At the heart of Saddleworth is Friar Mare, the largest village named after long-gone black friars. It is dotted with age-old dwellings, contemporary homes, a busy bus route and breath-taking views. Yet, nestled within its charm is a dark secret - the deserted Friar's Grange, a 17th-century manor cut off from society and seething with ominous mystery. Step into the world of Christine, a resident whose fascination with the grange borders on obsession. Through her, uncover the eerie occurrences at the seemingly empty grange and encounter unseen horrors lurking in its shadows. This is a tale of intrigue and suspicion that shows sometimes, in Saddleworth, the past never truly fades away, it haunts us, reminding us of its indelible mark on the present.