34. The Power of Working With a Mentor in Your Business

Expand Your Impact

Mar 19 2024 • 34 mins

In episode 34 of the Expand Your Impact podcast, I talk about the power of working with a mentor in your business.

I also explore the difference between private mentoring and group mentoring as well as how you can find the perfect mentor for you. In addition to this, I share some of my own mentoring experiences that I’ve had throughout my business so far.

If you’ve been thinking of hiring a mentor to support you in your business then keep listening because this is the episode for you.


  • What is a mentor?
  • The difference between a mentor and a business coach
  • Private mentoring vs group mentoring
  • Qualities of an effective mentor
  • How to find the perfect mentor for you
  • My own experiences with mentoring
  • How my private mentoring program works


If you’d like to find out more about how I can support you with your marketing and scalable business goals, visit fleurironline.com/private-mentoring.

Once you’ve done this, head on over to the application form to apply to work together. I’ll then be in touch to book a call so we can get to know each other and to see how I can best help you.

APPLICATION FORM >>> https://fleurironline.com/private-mentoring-apply

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