23. (6/10) 5 limiting beliefs keeping you from creating your digital product

Expand Your Impact

Sep 13 2022 • 12 mins

I’m going to guess that if you haven’t yet created a digital product but it’s something that you want to incorporate into your business, there is something holding you back. There could be many reasons why you haven’t made a start on this part of your journey and in today’s episode, I’m going to highlight 5 common limiting beliefs keeping you from creating your digital product and my own perspective on each of these to help you overcome them. If you’re currently experiencing any of the limiting beliefs I talk about in this episode, I really hope that this will help you change your perspective on them and give you the confidence to just get started. Ready to package up your service-based expertise into digital products? Join the Expand Your Brand program waitlist >>> https://fleurironline.com/waitlist Download my free guide - How to Go From Services to Digital Products >>> https://fleurironline.com/digital-product-roadmap Want 1:1 support to create a marketing strategy that will grow your audience and introduce digital products into your business? Find out more about my 1:1 service offerings >>> https://fleurironline.com/services Looking to update your website? Check out my Showit website template shop >>> https://madebyfleurir.com Let’s connect on Instagram >>> https://instagram.com/fleurironline