25. (8/10) Digital Products vs Courses - Which should you create?

Expand Your Impact

Sep 15 2022 • 9 mins

Courses…. Do you feel the pressure to create one? It seems like everyone in the online business world is creating courses so you should too right? Wrong! Courses are not the only digital product that you can create yet somehow we seem to fall into the trap of thinking that they are.  In today’s episode, I’m going to be helping you decide whether to create a digital product or a course for your first main digital product.

- Ready to package up your service-based expertise into digital products? Join the Expand Your Brand program waitlist >>> https://fleurironline.com/waitlist

- Download my free guide - How to Go From Services to Digital Products >>> https://fleurironline.com/digital-product-roadmap

- Want 1:1 support to create a marketing strategy that will grow your audience and introduce digital products into your business? Find out more about my 1:1 service offerings >>> https://fleurironline.com/services

- Looking to update your website? Check out my Showit website template shop >>> https://madebyfleurir.com

- Let’s connect on Instagram >>> https://instagram.com/fleurironline