[CoC] Orange and the Black Ep3

Cast of Many Things

Dec 5 2022 • 1 hr 19 mins

To answer the many questions in their minds, our crew turns to the musty subterranean stacks of Firestone Library. They demonstrate considerable skill in the pursuit of knowledge, and learn more than they bargained for. Perhaps some truths are better left to rot in the darkness.

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real world places, people, or institutions is purely coincidental.

Player Credits | Twitter

Keeper: Nathan | @natescottjones

Lenore Rockamellon: Fei | @capfakeeye

Theodore Henry Otis Nathan Kobolt (THONK): Patrick | @professorpfm

Preston Vandemillion: Cat | @catherinetcai

Professor Charles Dewsbury-Webb PhD: Will | @RWD_Pod

Noah K Butler: Zoe

Intro and outro music are The Orange and the Black, a Princeton University school spirit song.

Arranged by Nathan Jones

Ambience audio is from Tabletop Audio