Preparing for Your Child’s IEP: Legally Blind Justice Podcast Episode 12

Legally Blind Justice Podcast

Jul 13 2023 • 58 mins

Schools across the country will be back in session before you know it. For students with Special Needs, this can be a cause for concern. Our special education team recently hosted a webinar to help understand the process and focus on the IEP. This was an excellent primer for parents and helped clarify the IEP process. It was so good that we brought that content to this podcast.

At K Altman Law, we offer Special Education advocacy services, and this podcast will discuss, provide some insight into the IEP service process and provide other helpful information for parents.

To dig deeper into this, Rebecca Sidders, the Director of Special Education, is joined by Ashley Bennett and  Norah Schumann. All three are experts in Special Education and have helped numerous parents and students navigate the complex world of special education.

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