Demystifying the OCR Process: The legally Blind Justice Podcast: Episode 18

Legally Blind Justice Podcast

Feb 1 2024 • 9 mins

Welcome to Legally Blind Justice, the podcast that unravels legal complexities to empower you in understanding the intricate world of law. In this episode, your host Tim Markley delves into the OCR (Office for Civil Rights) process, offering a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the steps involved.

Discover how anyone can file a complaint within 180 days of discrimination, and learn about covered entities, including public schools, colleges, vocational rehabilitation agencies, and more. Tim breaks down the laws OCR handles complaints related to, shedding light on Title VI, Title IX, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Title II of the ADA, and the Age Discrimination Act.

Get ready for a step-by-step walkthrough on filing an OCR complaint, from identifying the issue to submitting documentation electronically or by mail. Tim provides valuable insights into the necessary details and documentation required for a successful complaint.

But that's not all—stay tuned as the podcast navigates the main phases of an OCR complaint investigation. From evaluating the complaint to notification of investigation, early resolution options, data request, onsite visits, and compliance determination, Tim provides a thorough understanding of what to expect during the OCR process.

The episode wraps up with a reminder to be patient during the investigation and the option to seek legal advice if needed. Understanding the OCR process is key to empowerment in the legal realm, and Tim invites you to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Join us on Legally Blind Justice, where legal knowledge meets accessibility. Stay informed, stay empowered, and navigate the legal landscape with confidence. Listen now and become a savvy advocate for justice!

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