THE GIRL WHO CAN: Conquer Conflict In A Confident Way

The Girl Who Can - Increasing Productivity For Women, Finding-Self Confidence, Create A Balanced Life

Jan 20 2024 • 32 mins

What comes to mind when you think of "conflict"? Is it arguing, yelling, something bad, frustrating, stressful, or blame? Emotions can definitely be pretty high when entering conflict and often times we mistake conflict with arguing. Conflict actually has the ability to be something really productive, and give people an opportunity to learn more about you, your boundaries, how you communicate, and a chance to hold yourself to a higher standard. We cant avoid conflict in our lives, so why not learn how to embrace it in a healthy way?  THINGS TO LISTEN FOR  - How to Seek Solutions, Not Shame  - How to communicate and keep your boundaries within conflict

- Setting realistic expectations around conflict in your day-to-day life

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