A Mindset of Harmony

Harmony Deconstructed Podcast

Aug 20 2021 • 13 mins

A mindset of harmony is important in that it determines whether we achieve harmony in our lives or not. We can only rise to the level of the degree in which our minds are set on harmony, that is a working together of things to achieve a certain goal or end.

"Your mindset matters. It affects everything - from the business and investment decisions you make, to the way you raise your children, to your stress levels and overall well-being." Peter Diamandis

According to Dr Alia Crum, mindset is defined as a lens or frame of mind which orients an individual to a particular set of associations.

For us to live inspired harmonious lives, we should set our minds on the possibility of harmony. That harmony is attainable and is something we can grow towards. Our mindset should be that we are becoming harmonious day by day - while  being aware of it and expecting it - through every experience or circumstance we encounter in life.

Carol Dweck is credited for the idea that people have two kinds of mindset either a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. Dweck and colleagues conducted research in several schools in the US where they found the effects of a fixed mindset compared to that of a growth mindset. They put school children in two categories and gave them some academic challenges. One group was told before the tasks that they were smart and they were praised for this quality. The other group was told that they were persevering, they were praised for making great effort to solve the tasks they had been given. Overall, the children who were praised for being smart opted for less challenging tasks, while those praised for their effort were willing to take on challenging tasks to increase their learning.

In her book Mindset:The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck indicates that an individual’s attitude about how fixed their abilities and intelligence are can determine the course of much of their life, starting as early as their preschool years. She gave the following comparison of the fixed mindset and the growth mindset.

A Fixed Mindset  vs  A Growth Mindset

  • With a fixed mindset one believes intelligence is static; while with a growth mindset one believes intelligence can be developed.
  • A fixed mindset leads to a desire to look smart therefore a tendency to avoid challenges; a growth mindset leads to a desire to learn therefore a tendency to embrace challenges.
  • A fixed mindset gives up easily when faced with obstacles ; a growth mindset perseveres when faced with obstacles.
  • A fixed mindset sees effort as fruitless or proof of lack of talent; a growth mindset sees effort as the path to mastery.
  • A fixed mindset may ignore useful negative feedback; a growth mindset learns from criticism.
  • A fixed mindset may feel threatened by the success of others; a growth mindset finds lessons and inspiration from the success of others.
  • For a fixed mindset, success is about proving to yourself and others that you are smart and talented; for a growth mindset success is about learning, stretching yourself and improving.

It is therefore quite beneficial to have the growth mindset, which can lead us to surmount obstacles, learn great things and raise to a higher level than we may have initially contemplated.

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