
Harmony Deconstructed Podcast

Jul 31 2021 • 13 mins

Rest is crucial for us to function optimally as human beings. In modern society, there exists that feeling of wanting to keep going, to keep working and to be busy every hour of the day when we are awake.

“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a beautiful crop.” Ovid, Roman Poet

I recently learnt that there are seven types of rest. Oftentimes we may focus on one kind of rest, however, we may end up still tired after resting. That is an indication that we may be neglecting several of the other kinds of rest that are necessary for us to feel fully recharged. Physician and author Saundra Dalton-Smith talks about these seven kinds of rest:

  1. Physical rest - this can be both passive or active. Passive rest includes sleep or a nap. Active rest involves doing restorative activities that reinvigorate the body such as yoga, massages and stretches. These help improve circulation within and flexibility of the body.
  2. Mental rest - when there is so much to process mentally, and especially when we do so non stop for a long time, our minds get exhausted. One then becomes irritable, forgetful, lacks concentration, they are restless and may lack sleep or if one sleeps, they wake up still tired. For rest, schedule ample short breaks throughout the day. One can also keep a notebook or notepad to capture any thoughts buzzing in the mind throughout the day.
  3. Sensory rest - sensory exhaustion can be caused by excessive exposure to bright lights, computer or mobile phone screens, loud noises, background noises or conversations in the work area where one is trying to concentrate. These can be mitigated by shutting the eyes for a while, eye massage, switching off or unplugging electronics at the end of the day.
  4. Creative rest - this happens when you take time to enjoy nature, places that invite you to have a sense of awe, peace, and calmness. Visiting such places as parks, an ocean, a waterfall, hiking up a hill or mountain can be quite refreshing. It also involves enjoying works of art. This rest is crucial for people who spend time brainstorming and solving problems. Taking this rest can give you fresh ideas or invigorate you to find solutions to the issues concerning you.
  5. Emotional rest - we may get emotionally exhausted through some encounters we have either at home or at the workplace. It does also happen when we have a difficult situation in our lives. To get this rest, you need to confide in someone. It could be a family member, friend or someone willing to listen to you and you can talk about what is going on. Sometimes listening to calming or reassuring music has worked for me in these kinds of circumstances.
  6. Social rest - socializing can be exhausting at times. There are people that naturally can exhaust you while you interact with them and there are those who can energize you. To get this rest, you need to deliberately get times with the people who energize you. These are people you feel at ease around. You can talk, laugh and just be.
  7. Spiritual rest - when you feel aloof, alone and unanchored you may need this rest. This involves taking time to connect with God, meditation, prayer and doing something meaningful for the benefit of others. This gives one a deep sense of love, acceptance, belonging and purpose.

To get ample rest, Dalton-Smith says we need to incorporate most if not all these forms of rest in our lives. If you evaluate yourself, you may need more of a certain type of rest than another depending on which you have a deficit in.

There are warning signs that a person could be having burnout. They are as follow: A negative or critical attitude, trouble sleeping, overwhelming feelings of inadequacy, headaches, nausea, and backaches, numbness or emptiness and difficulty performing your usual tasks.

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