Episode 6: Cinnamon's Busy Year by Tony Waters (Picture Book)

All About Kids Productions

Oct 29 2023 • 8 mins

Cinnamon and her friends, Tootie and Pip, never have a dull moment when there are festivities galore every month of the year. Be it as simple as celebrating the fresh spring weather by flying kites in the blustery breeze, or as elaborate as a beautiful summertime wedding, the year is overflowing with joyous occasions. With Valentine's Day, the 4th of July, Halloween, Christmas and more, Cinnamon -discovers that there is always a reason to celebrate. Children will delight in learning about the many holidays that await them throughout the year.
Illustrated by Tony Waters
Music by Greg Paxton
Narrated by Katie Leigh
All About Kids Publishing
All Rights Reserved

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