💼 🎶 Working 9-5 ... Sing ittttttt

The Aligned Mama

Feb 5 2024 • 16 mins

We have all heard the song... right??? But it is SO much more than just a song. Break free of that constraining 9 to 5 mentality! Rethink your work patterns as you tap into the power of conscious choice to venture out of societal norms. Knowing that the kids are always watching... and you get to contribute to the reshaping of all of this in their minds through modeling all along the way.

With values for creativity, personal fulfillment, and individuality the world can be a completely different place. Illustrating how fulfilling hard work can be when connected to your greatest passions. Life may feel like it has always been the way it is today... but when you push play you'll learn all about how that is just not true. Creating a spark of inspiration for how you can create your very own path as you dare to dream big -- and go all in!

Book your call with Liz and go all in on your vision for the future... because the sky is the limit!

Join the Manifesting Mamas group to unlock a wealth of support and knowledge on manifesting meaningful moments with your kids without sacrificing your career goals.