🍁Seasons ❄️ of 🌷 Life ☀️

The Aligned Mama

Apr 1 2024 • 27 mins

Life may be like a box of chocolates, but it’s also like the changing seasons. And if Liz has learned anything since moving to Reno, it's that you can’t always predict the weather.

As humans, we have expectations… but as a Mom, you also know that the seasons of life are kinda like a toddler going through their Princess Dresses in the closet. There’s going to be a lot of changes. There will be seasons of life where you feel on top of the world… and seasons where you feel like you’re walking against the wind. What’s important though, is understanding the serve and the limit of all these different stages and acknowledging that they won’t always feel the same.

The secret is… it’s okay because we won’t be the same either. We get to become the person who can handle all the opportunities that each season presents us with. So if you want to join Liz to see how you can navigate through the many stages of life regardless of the “weather,” then check out this episode of the Aligned Mama podcast.

Ready to be the person who can weather any “weather”? Book your Alignment Call with Liz here and let’s start taking aligned action.