The Marketer’s Journey: Going All-In and Building Your Vision

Surge Forward

May 15 2023 • 26 mins

In this episode, we delve into the core elements of driving your productivity, impact, and influence as a B2B marketer. I explore how these factors contribute to your overall career satisfaction and growth. The focus is on the power of influence and the need to challenge our core beliefs and change how others perceive us.

I address the concept of the "script" and how it affects our reactions to certain situations. For example, when faced with a new rush deadline, we often prioritize it above everything else, sacrificing our own expertise. I also discuss the belief that being a high performer and meeting every demand will lead to recognition or promotion.

To change this script and align ourselves with our desired career goals, we need clarity on what we truly want. I encourage marketers to envision their dream job and emphasize how crucial it is to be authentic to ourselves and not create a vision based on others' expectations.

While I emphasize the importance of being realistic, I acknowledge that achieving your vision will require dedication, effort, and time. Listeners are invited to challenge their thinking and commitment to personal growth. Without a willingness to change, no external resources or strategies will magically transform your career growth or happiness.

We address three significant challenges faced by B2B marketers: the lack of respect from internal clients or leaders, exhaustion and overwork, and losing passion or belief in oneself. For each challenge, I provide a glimpse of possible solutions and promise to dive deeper in future episodes.