The Values-Driven Leader -- 17

The Vision Clarity Leadership Podcast

Jan 30 2023 • 21 mins

In this episode Seth emphasizes the importance of leaders having their own personal values. Too often, leaders assume they have values and assume others know what they are, but Seth encourages listeners to take the time to evaluate and write down their core values. These values are not just statements on the wall but beliefs that influence and animate a leader's actions. A clear set of personal values serves as a foundation and filter for all of a leader's decisions and choices.

Seth shares Nelson Mandela's famous quote to highlight the impact a clear set of values can have on a leader. It is crucial for leaders to have a core set of values that are separate and distinct from the organization's values, as these beliefs shape the way they show up in the world and make decisions. So, if you haven't taken the time to evaluate your personal values or know a leader who hasn't, this episode is a must-listen. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share the podcast to help spread the message of the importance of personal values in leadership.

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