Homily for Pentecost, B

Fr. Joe Dailey

May 18 2024 • 9 mins

“To attempt one language instead of another is to make oneself a learner, a supplicant.  It is an act of exploration and of hospitality.  To speak across barriers of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, culture, or politics is to challenge stereotypes and risk ridicule.  It is a brave and disorienting act.” (Debie Thomas, JourneywithJesus.net)

I have Mass on Saturday, May 18,
at Holy Name Birmingham @ 4:00 pm
I have Mass on Sunday, May 19, at St. Isidore @ 7:30 am livestream
and 9:30 am
Sunday Evening, 5 pm @ St. Andrew, Rochester.


Art: William Grosvenor Congdon (American, 1912–1998), “Pentecost 2,” ca. 1962.

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