Welcome to the first episode of the second season of Conversations in Fetal Medicine, where we talk to Professor Sally Collins.
Sally is a Consultant Obstetrician subspecializing in Feto-Maternal Medicine
at the John Radcliffe Hospital and a Professor of Obstetrics in the Nuffield
Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health, University of Oxford.
Sally graduated in Medicine from the University of Oxford and specialized in
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, training within the Oxford region during which
time she completed a DPhil in Obstetric Ultrasound. Sally is currently a
Consultant Obstetrician in a busy NHS Trust and has set up the Oxford FMU
tertiary referral Placenta Clinic.
She is highly research active having authored over 150 journal articles, filed
three patents and won several international research awards. She currently
holds several grants including from the NIHR and Sir Jules Thorn Trust to
develop a fully automated first trimester ultrasound screening tool for fetal
growth restriction.
Sally is also world renowned for her expertise in placenta accreta spectrum
(PAS) and is currently working with NHS England to develop a national
network for the diagnosis and management of PAS having co-authored the
RCOG and FIGO guidelines on diagnosis and management of PAS. She is
Chairperson elect of the International Society for PAS and is the lead author
on their recent evidence-based guidelines. She is a founder member of the
Oxford Placenta Accreta team (https://www.placentaaccretasspectrum.com/)
and continues to strive to improve the outcomes for women affected by this
rare, but complex and potentially lethal condition.
Websites with further details about her work and research:
Her Wikipedia page:
The (fabulous) PAS website we discuss in the episode: https://www.placentaaccretasspectrum.com/
We have not included any patient identifiable information, and this podcast is intended for professional education rather than patient information (although anyone is of course welcome to listen). Please get in touch with feedback or suggestions for future guests or topics: conversationsinfetalmed@gmail.com, or via Twitter (X) or Instagram via @fetalmedcast.
Music by Crowander ('Acoustic romance') used under creative commons licence. Podcast created, hosted and edited by Dr Jane Currie.