Why You Should Share Your Creative Process (+ Announcement!)

Creative Juice Box

Sep 20 2023 • 26 mins

SPECIAL PODCAST EPISODE! I'm so incredibly excited to announce that my new photography offering, Creative Process Sessions, is NOW LIVE!

Learn more about my new Creative Process Sessions!

In this episode, we'll break down what's included in the session and why I created it in the first place—because I believe in the power of sharing your creative process with the world to connect more with your ideal clients/fans.

If you're in New York City and would like to work together, please fill out an inquiry form on the site linked above—I would love to work together!🌝

Related episodes:

Overcoming Perfectionism in Art & Life

Why You’re Afraid to Show Your Work

Want more creative juice? Let’s connect on IG!

🎙️ Podcast: @creativejuicebox.pod

📸 Photography: @hannahhollandphoto