Sangram Vajre on Being Intentional with Every Opportunity

The GTM Cheat Code

Dec 11 2023 • 38 mins

Sangram Vajre’s career journey can be summed up in a few acronyms: MA (Marketing Automation), ABM (Account Based Marketing), and GTM (Go-to-Market). You may know him from Pardot, Terminus, Flip My Funnel, or GTM Partners – there’s hardly any conversation happening in the B2B world without Sangram being a part of it. He says he’s leveraged his “cheat” of being intentional with every single opportunity in every role he’s inhabited, from marketing expert to entrepreneur, and as a speaker, podcast host and best-selling author.

In this episode of The Cheat Code Podcast, hosts Justin Gray and Josh Wagner ask Sangram about which factors have shaped his personal growth alongside his entrepreneurial mindset. Sangram talks about taking on uncomfortable challenges, not having a Plan B, and why he thinks it’s critical to embrace opportunities and be highly intentional with them, no matter what stage of your career.