Interview with the host of "The DSO Hygienist" Podcast

Hygiene Elevated Conversations and Innovations

Apr 12 2024 • 48 mins

In this episode, we sit down with Christine Diehl, a trailblazing dental hygienist who not only practices her craft but also shares her insights through her own podcast. We unravel her journey in the field of dental hygiene, from the early days of her career to becoming a prominent voice in the industry.

What sparked her interest in launching a podcast dedicated to DSOs and the hygienists working within them? Christine sheds light on her inspiration and the mission driving her to explore this often overlooked aspect of dental care.

For our listeners unfamiliar with DSOs, Christine offers a comprehensive explanation of what they are and their pivotal role within the dental industry. She demystifies common misconceptions surrounding DSOs and shares how her podcast addresses them head-on.

But what draws dental hygienists to choose DSOs as their workplace? Our guest highlights the key benefits and opportunities awaiting hygienists within these organizations, along with the unique challenges they might encounter.

As DSOs continue to reshape the landscape of dental hygiene practice, discussing their profound impact on the future of the profession and the evolving dynamics within the industry.

For hygienists contemplating a career in a DSO setting, our guest offers invaluable advice gleaned from her own experiences and the wisdom shared by her podcast guests.

Looking forward, what does Christine hope to achieve through her podcast and advocacy for hygienists within DSOs? Join us as we uncover her aspirations and the legacy she aims to leave in her field.